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Web Based Solution in Psychometric Testing

Career Preferences for

Know your skills

An interest inventory is a self assessment tool, used in career planning that assesses one's likes and dislikes of a variety of activities, objects, and types of persons with respect to a career. The rule is that people in the same career (and satisfied in that career) have similar interests.

Are you in a process of making crucial decisions regarding your Career?

You might be stuck at any of these 'Three Stages' of Career Planning!

  1. Get Started - Choose Career-Know your preferences
  2. Career Change- Shift your Career Preference-Know the options
  3. Career Advancement- climbing the corporate ladder until you reach the executive suite

OR doing a great job and being recognized for it.

If you are in the first two stages, then the Career Preference Inventories will be your appropriate Guide. Try to minimize your risk – Discover the Career of your Interest!

Career Interest Schedule - CIS

Career Interest Schedule - CIS

A checklist of Vocational Interests

Career Interest Schedule is best suited for the purpose of Vocational Guidance and Counseling. It is a checklist by which an individual can systematically clarify his areas of vocational interests and then decide about his future occupational field. The test marks on an individual's interest in a vocation and does not endorse it as his ability. Therefore, Ability test should advisably be coupled with CIS to derive at realistic guidance and suggestions which could be practically implemented.

 Who can take the Test:

High school and college students:  Occupational choices and targets are explored by and large from high school age. CIS is primarily used for counseling high school and college students about their career choices and it covers those occupational spectrums which are the most common choices of students to target at that age.

Adults: Adults 18 years plus of age can use it as a checklist for their occupational interests. Adults may preferably use it for the purpose of change in career or accepting extra or diversified career responsibilities.

For example :

 - Engineers who want to be singers or performers at some given time or

 - Doctors who want to be an IAS officer or

 - An Actor who wants to be a politician and so on.

Time Limit:

There is no time limit. The checklist takes 25 to 30 minutes to select from the given choices of profession.

 An individual's occupational interest mainly depends on his personality characteristics and significantly affects his career pursuit. With this view point CIS is developed to present right vocational choices to the individuals which correspond with his personality characteristics.

There are fourteen occupational interest areas which are compared twice with each other. As a result all fourteen scores are comparable with each other.

Purpose of Application

Personal Assessment, Career Counseling, Developmental planning purposes.

The in depth analysis report includes information relative to a person's

 - General life style for occupational environment

 - Work settings and structure preferences

 - Patterns of interactions with people; and

 - Patterns of career, occupational and vocational interests.

The report serves two principle objectives and provides a unique and innovative supplement to career guidance and personal development counseling which;
•  Helps career counselors, and other professionals from the routine and time consuming elements of diagnostic, interpretive and report writing process of counseling and therapy.

•  Helps clients achieve accurate insight about themselves by utilizing a report written in a non-technical language which is helpful to people as it is not critical, evaluative or confusing to them.

Occupation is not just a means of livelihood but a way of life.

Designed by MindGlobalTech